Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Port Scanner

For fun, I thought I'd show how to build a simple port scanner using Factor

We start by listing vocabularies that we will be using and a namespace for our work:

USING: continuations formatting kernel math.ranges
io.encodings.binary io.sockets make sequences ;

IN: port-scan

We need to decide how to check for an open port. In this case, we are going to attempt to establish a TCP connection. If it succeeds, then the port is open, otherwise it will throw an error connecting and we will assume the port was not open.

: open-port? ( host port -- ? )
    <inet> [ binary [ t ] with-client ] [ 2drop f ] recover ;
Note: we should be setting a connection timeout, so that we do not let a connection attempt last forever. However, I'm not quite sure how to do that -- the documentation for io.sockets and io.timeouts didn't make it obvious.

Next, we will make a word that returns an array of all open ports (checking ports from 1 to 1024). We use the make vocabulary to build the sequence dynamically.

: open-ports ( host -- seq )
    1024 [1,b] [
        [ 2dup open-port? [ , ] [ drop ] if ] each drop
    ] { } make ;

Finally, we can make a word that provides some visual output back to the user:

: scan-ports ( host -- )
    [ "Scanning %s...\n" printf ]
    [ open-ports [ "%d is open\n" printf ] each ]
    bi ;

Using this on my laptop returns the following:

( scratchpad ) "" scan-ports
631 is open

It is quite simple and functional as is. However, some obvious improvements could be made:

  • adding the connection timeout as mentioned above
  • providing the output of scan-ports to the user as open ports are found
  • using the concurrent combinators to test ports in parallel
  • using a list of port numbers to identify services that might be on open ports

The code for this is on my Github.


  1. well, this works but it's pretty slow. what is wrong here?

    USING: calendar concurrency.combinators concurrency.semaphores
    continuations fry io io.encodings.binary io.sockets io.timeouts
    kernel math.parser sequences shuffle ;
    IN: jbq-scanner

    : open-port? ( host port -- ? ) [ binary [ t ] with-client ] [ 2drop f ] recover ;

    : peach ( seq quot #limit -- )
    swap [ ] dip '[ _ _ with-semaphore ] parallel-each ;

    : scanit ( host range -- )
    [ tuck
    20 milliseconds [ open-port? ] with-timeout*
    [ number>string "port " " is opened." surround print ] [ number>string print ] if ] with 8 peach ;

    ! "" 1024 [1,b] scanit

  2. oops, there was a lt semaphore gt in the peach word, between "swap [" and "] dip".
