Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Colored Timestamps

I noticed a fun post in early December that implements a mapping between current time and a "unique" RGBA color. I thought it might be fun to use Factor to implement a colored clock.

The basic concept is to map the 4,294,967,296 unique RGBA colors to seconds, which gives just over 136 years of unique colors.


We calculate timestamps as an offset from Dennis Ritchie's birthday:

: start-date ( -- timestamp )
    1941 9 9 <date> ; inline

The offset is an elapsed number of seconds from the start date:

: elapsed ( timestamp -- seconds )
    start-date time- duration>seconds >integer ;

The conversion from a timestamp into a unique RGBA color does successive divmod operations to map into Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values:

: timestamp>rgba ( timestamp -- color/f )
    elapsed dup 0 32 2^ between? [
        24 2^ /mod 16 2^ /mod 8 2^ /mod
        [ 255 /f ] 4 napply <rgba>
    ] [ drop f ] if ;

You can try it for yourself, showing how the values change over time:

IN: scratchpad start-date timestamp>rgba .
T{ rgba
    { red 0.0 }
    { green 0.0 }
    { blue 0.0 }
    { alpha 0.0 }

IN: scratchpad now timestamp>rgba .
T{ rgba
    { red 0.5176470588235295 }
    { green 0.3803921568627451 }
    { blue 0.4313725490196079 }
    { alpha 0.3333333333333333 }


Let's use the timestamp>rgba word to make an updating "colored clock". Specifically, we can use an arrow model to update a label every second to create an RGBA clock:

: update-colors ( color label -- )
    [ font>> background<< ]
    [ [ <solid> ] dip [ interior<< ] [ boundary<< ] 2bi ]
    2bi ;

: <rgba-clock> ( -- gadget )
    f <label-control>
        time get over '[
            [ timestamp>rgba _ update-colors ]
            [ timestamp>hms ] bi
        ] <arrow> >>model
        "HH:MM:SS" >>string
        monospace-font >>font ;

Use the gadget. word to try it in your listener, and watch it update:

IN: scratchpad <rgba-clock> gadget.

The code for this is on my Github.

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